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SODA: A large-scale Small Object Detection dAtaset

SODA is a large-scale benckmark for Small Object Detection, including SODA-D and SODA-A, which concentrate on Driving and Aerial scenarios respectively.



Our SODA dataset is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0, which means it is freely available for academic use only, and any commercial use is prohibited.


SODA-D contains 24828 well-chosen and high-quality images under driving scenarios, on which 278433 instances of 9 categories with horizontal bounding boxes were annotated. Some example images are shown below. image


SODA-A comprises 2513 high-resolution images of aerial scenes, which has 872069 instances annotated with oriented rectangle box annotations over 9 classes. An example image of SODA-A is shown next. image


We exhibit the quantitative experiment resullts of several representative methods on SODA test-set as follow.


We provide the downloading of our paper and datasets.


The official codes of our benchmark, which mainly includes data preparation and evaluation, are released below.

Support or Contact

If you have any problems about our SODA benchmark, please be free to contact us at