SODA: A large-scale Small Object Detection dAtaset
SODA is a large-scale benckmark for Small Object Detection, including SODA-D and SODA-A, which concentrate on Driving and Aerial scenarios respectively.
- [20220726] Our Homepage for SODA benchmark opens!
- [20220727] We add the visualization of images in SODA.
- [20220728] The quantitative results of several mainstream methods on SODA test-set are reported!
- [20220728] Our paper of SODA dataset is submitted to arXiv.
- [20221225] SODA Benchmark is officially available, please refer to the Download below.
- [20230102] Benchmark codes of SODA dataset are available now, please refer to the Codes part.
- [20230625] Our paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), in which the final version and Appendix files are available.
- [20231004] One paper based on the SODA benchmark has been accepted by ICCV 2023, and the code please refer to the Project.
Our SODA dataset is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0, which means it is freely available for academic use only, and any commercial use is prohibited.
SODA-D contains 24828 well-chosen and high-quality images under driving scenarios, on which 278433 instances of 9 categories with horizontal bounding boxes were annotated. Some example images are shown below.
SODA-A comprises 2513 high-resolution images of aerial scenes, which has 872069 instances annotated with oriented rectangle box annotations over 9 classes. An example image of SODA-A is shown next.
We exhibit the quantitative experiment resullts of several representative methods on SODA test-set as follow.
We provide the downloading of our paper and datasets.
- Paper: Towards Large-Scale Small Object Detection: Survey and Benchmarks
- Datasets:
- SODA-D: OneDrvie; BaiduNetDisk
- SODA-A: OneDrvie; BaiduNetDisk
The official codes of our benchmark, which mainly includes data preparation and evaluation, are released below.
- SODA-D Benchmark: SODA-mmdetection
- SODA-A Benchmark: SODA-mmrotate
Support or Contact
If you have any problems about our SODA benchmark, please be free to contact us at